Smart ICU ( Command Center)
Making an ICU smart means delivery of care: elimination of harm; engaging all professionals, patients, and families; and increasing proficiency and personalized care through the use of technology.
Benefit from a 100% software solution to integrate all the data produced by your medical devices, in any given ward, into any healthcare IT system or application (EMR, specialty systems, …) via a single interface.
Remote Patient Monitoring Software
RPM empowers all healthcare stakeholders to engage remotely with efficient care at its core
RPM software empowers patients to receive healthcare remotely from the comfort of home. It enables hospitals to monitor health metrics of patients without physical interface. The outcomes are cost savings for patients & happy stakeholders all around.

CognoHealth™ is an integrated IT platform that provides one roof solutions to many critical functionalities of various stakeholders operating in the healthcare space.
Through leveraging this platform, an enterprise can get a real-time view of doctors & hospitals, labs & ambulances, health insurance companies, diagnostics centres, pharmacies, wellness centres in one dashboard.
Such access enables seamless engagement among stakeholders in a secured environment without any latency. The platform also creates an ecosystem where each individual stakeholder- be it a hospital or a health insurance company- can connect with each other as per their requirement. This leads to frictionless customer experiences based on insightful interactions.
Teleconsultation platform
Cognota’s Teleconsultation platform makes virtual health check-up feel like the traditional visit.
The collaborative video solution enables doctors and medical staff- be it from hospitals or clinics - to deliver seamless health care experiences. This contactless digital interface not only rules out the contagion risks but can also converge more people into the consultation process. Leveraging secured digital technologies, this smart platform provides the option to store past consultations in secured cloud storage that can be accessed in the future.

This customisable healthcare solution can be rapidly scaled up as per clients’ requirements. With inbuilt security features, Cognota™ Teleconsultation Platform stands for client privacy & confidentiality. The Teleconsulting platform comes with its set of secured APIs for easy integration with the Hospital Information Systems.

Hospital Information System
Cognota’s Hospital Information system (HIS) automates a whole range of operations including clinical, Electronic Medical Record (EMR), administrative, and inventory management functions performed by hospitals.
Healthcare providers enjoy improved operational and cost efficiency through leveraging Cognota’s HIS that is powered by customised informatics system. The solution operates in a secured cloud environment and can be integrated with the existing IT system of the hospital seamlessly such as accounting, payroll, or sales. Secured, remote access to various executive/management reports, starting from patient registration to cash flow statements, are useful for delivering quality patient care.
Health Insurance Organisation System
Cognota’s Health Insurance Organisation System is a comprehensive insurance software platform capable of handling reimbursement & cashless claims.
The solution provides operational gateway where all the claims, registrations, capitations, Fee For service can be managed leading to faster claim processing and settlement. The system provides a bouquet of solutions to HIO’s & Third-Party Insurers. The solution has been very pivotal & widely adapted in various African markets, thus contributing immensely to healthcare & ancillary ecosystems.